January 08, 2013


A couple weeks later we headed back to HRC for our consult with Dr. W. He reviewed our chart with us, talked about options, told us he felt we had a good chance at becoming pregnant and then did an ultrasound to check out my innards. Since Dr. W was so positive about our odds, had all the correct credentials and great statistics we decided to move forward with this clinic. 

Dr. W said that my ovaries looked good but that I had ‘debris’ and tissue in my uterus. He explained that if we wanted to become pregnant that we would need to take care of this issue. He said our best chance was for me to have a Hysteroscopy and a D&C to clear everything out. I was instructed to call the clinic as soon as my next cycle started. I was given prescriptions for an antibiotic and birth control pills. We were also given 30 pages of legal paperwork and some orders for tests that would need to be completed before beginning the IVF process. 

We have been at a stand still for so long that it felt like we were boarding a bullet train with all of the information and instructions we were given. 

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