July 24, 2013

Tapping the Veins

May 24, 2013

After drinking the gross orange liquid for my glucose tolerance test I started feeling nauseous pretty immediately. I worried that this meant I was not tolerating it and would not pass the test as last time I did not feel sick at all. I waited about 30 minutes and then headed over to the lab to get my blood drawn, so thankful that Dr. Y doesn't make you drink it at the lab and then sit around for a whole hour. Got to the lab and had my blood drawn for the testing to take place. 

WBC's - 9.7 -  normal range 4.0-11.0
RBC - 4.17 - normal range 4.20-5.40
HGB - 12.1 - normal range 12.0-16.0
HCT - 37.0 - normal range 37.0-47.0
MCV - 88.7 -  normal range 81.0-99.0
MCH - 29.0 -  normal range 27.0-35.0
MCHC - 32.7 - normal range 32.0-37.0
RDW - 14.1-  normal range 11.5-14.5
Platelets - 209 - normal range 130-400
1 hour glucose test - 100 - normal range 70-130

My blood sugar is looking great! 
No 3 hour test for me!

1 comment:

Aunt Marie said...

That's great!!!! We have so many gestational diabetes patients!!! I hope Becky passes as well!!!!