July 13, 2015

Preparing While We Wait

When you are infertile there is a LOT of waiting that goes on. You wait while you try to get pregnant, you wait while you do testing, you wait while save money, you wait to start treatment... then even once you start treatment you are waiting to see each step of the way if everything is going in the right direction and then there is the two week wait - the longest two weeks of your life! 

We are currently in the wait the prescribed amount of time since the end of my miscarriage/ectopic pregnancy and the wait till we have the money.., wait wait wait. 

Often those going through treatment prepare for 3 months prior by taking a slew of vitamins and staying away from alcohol, tobacco and recreational drugs and limiting caffeine intake.

The following list is from a Fertility Care Office, there are also some additional vitamins that are often talked about in fertility circles such as Royal Jelly, L-Carnitine, and L-Arginine.

Prenatal Vitamins
Folic Acid - 800 mcg to 1 mg in addition to the prenatal vitamins
CoQ10 - 300 mg
Vitamin E - additional 200 IU
Vitamin C - 500 mg
R-Alpha Lipoic Acid - 100 to 600 mg on empty stomach
DHEA 25 mg three times a day
Melatonin 3 mg before bed
Vitamin D3 5000 IU per day

If you have PCOS add the following:
Methylated B Vitamins
Myo-inositol 4 grams per day, divided in two doses

For the guys:
Also no alcohol, tobacco, recreational drugs or hot tubs
Mega Man Vitamins
Vitamin D3 - 5000 IU per day

Additional Herbs that can boost fertility:
Red Raspberry Leaf
Nettle Leaf
Chaste Tree Berry