October 31, 2007

7 days

Tomorrow morning it will be 1 week since I took the first test. There is still no sign of my cycle showing up. I want to get excited and I can feel it bubbling up inside me but I am afraid to crash if I get another negative result. I am trying to keep my feet on the ground and think about other things. I was rambling about it to Paul last night how we wish it would have happened the first month we were trying, or the second, or third but thinking about work and timing it seems as if this would be great timing. I would be able to be home for over a month with the little one before having to take any of my leave from work. By my calculations IF I am pregnant the little one would arrive between my FIL birthday and TKs. I think that would be super cool. I am still torn about if I should take the test tomorrow morning because I am in a sort of fantasy land where I can pretend somewhere deep in my brain that I am in fact pregnant.... Time will tell.

October 25, 2007


It is a downer when you have high hopes and you see only one stupid line on that stick. It could be to early, so I will wait a week see if I get the end of my cycle and if not I will test again.

October 24, 2007

As you can see

No new developments have taken place. It is now almost the last week in October and I am waiting for my monthly cycle to either show or not. There have been 32 days since my last. I do not have an average it ranges from 25 days up to 40 days. And usually defalts around 32-33 days. Paul and I are crossing our fingers, and praying like crazy that this is our month. We have another week to wait till we can find out. I am trying not to think about it or stress but it is hard. If it didn't happen this month then we have to talk about if we want to wait a month before trying again as it would be the beginning of school otherwise and may make it difficult for me to be re-hired. Which is something to think about since I am on a temporary contract that is up in June. I dont want to wait because we have already waited so long but we do need to take it under advisment. I suppose that can wait and be thought about next week. For now fingers and toes crossed.