August 29, 2010

Blog from fellow IFer

The Infertile Positive –> Two week wait. Check toilet paper obsessively. Google all pregnancy symptoms. Get all fake pregnancy symptoms. Pee on multiple pregnancy sticks (or avoid them altogether). Take basal temperature, daily. Glare at pregnant bellies. Curse any celebrity that announces a pregnancy. Blood test. Positive? Disbelief. Wait for second beta. Hold breath. Feel nervous. Fearful. Tell no one. Continue to hold breath.

The Fertile Positive–> Pee on stick. Positive. Tell everyone including the grocery store cashier. Celebrate.

Your infertile positive will come. Just keep believing.

August 12, 2010

It's a ::snap::

Tonight I was part of a conversation that included a guy explaining exactly what months his wife will get pregnant during, once they decide to have kids. How they didn't want to have a baby during the summer or during the Christmas holiday. They are green in the ways of the world that is infertility. I am happy that they are, I just pray that it is just that easy for them. And why wouldn't they think that way, I use to. I wish I could have that level of naivety now... that it would be so simple as to select the month and then pregnancy would occur and 9 months later a baby would be in our arms. This is something that infertility has taken from me, I am jaded. Even if I get pregnant I will not have that happy, giddy, ontopoftheworld feeling. I know heartbreak.

August 06, 2010