July 29, 2007

take two

I have taken note that my cycle is very long. And as I was in Vegas when I finally ovulated of course there was no chance to conceive this month. We are now beginning month number two and I am thinking that the waiting is even harder because we have so long to wait in between each cycle. Where an average woman has a period every month by my calculations I only have about 10 a year. I am hoping that with ovulation kits, proper nutrition, exercise, and seeing the doctor that this will not hinder our chances of getting pregnant.

July 15, 2007


is the hardest part. The time between ovulating and waiting for your "special" time to show up or not seems to last forever. If I am not pregnant I want my "special" time to show up NOW. I do not like the waiting game.

2010 edit - I have of course found out since then that this tormenting time between ovulation and menstruation is called the dreaded 2WW (2 week wait)

July 14, 2007


I was relieved when one of my little sticks said that yes indeed I ovulate. I took a breath and smiled, but then I remembered I was in the middle of a desert and a state away from Paul. It is still good to know since it took 22 days all the way from June 18th till July 9th for me to ovulate. I am excited for this new chapter in our lives. The great name debate has started. We are 2/3 of the way there as we already have middle names picked out and a last name of course :) Now about those first names...

July 02, 2007


Every time I am in a bookstore (which is quite often) I find myself in the pregnancy section. Reading the first chapter in each book on how to get pregnant, the first signs of pregnancy and what to do before you are pregnant. Today I saw in one that feeling some cramping could be your uterus expanding. I have been feeling this for the last two days. It feels as if I am about to start my period but that would be almost two weeks early. I also have found myself randomly tearing up for no reason at all. Song on the radio, reading an email, thinking about my friends. It is starting to make me feel coo-coo. I don't think I have ovulated yet which would make these just random occurrences that are going on. I need to find something else to occupy my mind.

2010 edit - now when I go into a book store I am searching for books on infertility, which unfortunately are wedged in between all the "Yay, you're pregnant" books.

July 01, 2007


I am worried about not ovulating. I know that my cycle is normal most of the year, but once or twice a year my cycle is extraordinarily long. Today should have been the day but it hasn't happened yet at least not according to the little stick this morning. There are so many things that happen and that people think about when wanting to get pregnant but it seems somewhat taboo to talk about them and I am not sure why. Getting pregnant or rather the lack there of seems to be a touchy subject. No one wants to hear about the intimate details which is to bad.

2010 edit - If you don't want to know the details it would be in your best interest to stop reading this blog, now.