January 30, 2013

Follie Check

 After 4 days of injecting medications I had an appointment to see how things were going. Dr. W found 10 follicles growing at about the same rate. This is a good thing. :) It is hard to see the numbers but my right side is listed first with the measurements for each follicle followed by my left side. Seems that they are pretty even with each having 5. I also got my blood drawn to check hormone levels.

Dr. W has decided to increase the dosages of my injections
Menopur Day 5: 1 ml saline solution dissolved into 2 vials of Menopur powder (150)

Follistim Day 5: 300 iu injection

and we have added a third injection

Ganirelix Day 1: 1 syringe (.5)
which will be taken 12 hours after the other medications (I will intro this drug tomorrow)

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