February 08, 2013


These medications are started from the day after egg retrieval so that your body begins to develop the best environment possible before transfer day. 

Day 2 - Progesterone lozenge: 3x a day
Endometrin insert: 3x a day
Endometrin is a vaginal insert containing progesterone 100mg. This is the same active ingredient as the progesterone lozenge, just administered in a different way. As noted yesterday it helps make your lining more receptive for a fertilized egg to attach at the beginning of a pregnancy. It is utilized because of the lack of natural progesterone in the body when a woman uses ART (assisted reproductive technology). Endometrin has its own list of side effects including: mild nausea, vomiting, stomach cramps, bloating, constipation or diarrhea, dizziness, drowsiness, joint or muscle pain, increased urination etc. and of course if you experience any severe side effects you should immediately seek medical attention. 
Estradiol tablet (photo and info to come): 3x a day

Update: I have a 4th medication I forgot to mention Vivelle Dot Patch which is applied once every 3 days

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