September 09, 2013

Home Stretch

August 28, 2013

Another day, another appointment with Dr. Y.

Did all the normal stuff, I am still measuring at 40 weeks which is good since I had been measuring ahead that time is now catching up. Hutchkins heart rate is good. Dr. Y checked to see if I am dilated at all, just for fun, I'm not. He explained my options to sweep the membranes if I am dilated at a future appointment. I told him we will play it by ear at this point and see what happens... I like that he isn't pushy about stuff like that. He gives you the facts and if you say no thanks he moves right along.

See ya next week doc. 


Beth Hartzell said...

How exciting!

Carol Stephenson said...

Won't be long now. I figure two more days, but that's just a guess. :)