December 09, 2009


Today was IUI #4
The Mr. and I got up very early. I got ready, popped 800mg of Aspirin and headed to Kaiser. Handed in my specimen then sat in the waiting room trying to relax and read my book.

After about 45 min. I was called back and told they were ready to begin. I took a peek at the slide show and then prepared myself. The nurses came in and said as we had discussed they were going to try and first use a baby catheter and see if they couldn't accomplish the mission with it. Unfortunately they could not. Then with the regular one which has a guide wire she tried a couple times still with no success. Finally she had the new nurse hold down on the specula while she pulled the tongs and was able to VERY slowly make her way to where the ideal place for the specimen to be is. SHE GOT IN!!!

The past 3 IUI's the nurses who did them were very unsuccessful so I have been praying that this time would work and that with the new knowledge of how my insides are built the nurse would be able to make it happen.

During all of this it was extremely painful! I am not sure if the nurse was whispering or talking normally but I was so concentrated on my breathing and trying to not yelp in pain, and relax my abdomen I couldn't hear what she was saying. There was one point when I almost sat up and said all done, it hurts to bad. I knew that if I could just focus on my breathing that I could make it through. So that is what I did, deep breaths in and out counting very slowly.

I thanked them profusely for their effort and belief that they could get this done. Once the nurses left I began to cry and just thanked God over and over for allowing this part of my prayers to be answered. It is definitely a hurdle I am glad to be over, and to know that it is possible for their procedure to work.

Now begins the dreaded 2ww. I am supposed to go in on 12.23.09 for a blood pregnancy test which scares me. I am not sure that if it is bad news I could handle that so close to Christmas what with all the family events and whatnot. We will see. I suppose I would rather know, than be hopeful all Christmas only to find out the day after that their is bad news.

I pray that this is my one and only Clomid/Menopur cycle before getting pregnant. The side effects have been unpleasant and the daily needles began to hurt the last 4 days.

Please Lord let me conceive during this cycle!

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