February 15, 2010

Not again....

On Saturday Grumpy Old Lady and Senile Old Lady were there, where are my regular REs!! Of course I get Senile Old Lady. She is a bit more proficient in the photo category but has trouble multi-tasking. Forgets if she gave you back your medical card, and this time while looking at my sonogram photos realized she forgot to get one of my endometrium. So, I had to go back in the room have another sonogram done and once I was dressed for the second time and back in the office she announces "see I did take a photo of it." It was on the sheet she was originally looking at when she decided she didn't take it.

Finally she got her self together and managed to book me an appointment for my 5th IUI on Monday the 15th. I was told to take my HCG injection on Saturday evening. Which is also very different from any other cycle we have done. Usually we did the HCG on the night before the IUI not a day and a half before.
The IUI will take place on the 14th day of my cycle whereas all 4 of our other cycles it was between day 18-20. I am hoping that maybe all of this just means that my body is on track this cycle and that THIS IS IT!

So that is where we are at. Praying, wishing, hoping and giving it to God.

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