June 19, 2013


Everyone has different insurance coverage and costs but I thought I would share what our out of pocket expenses were for the drugs I used during our IVF treatment. Had I chosen to wait another month before beginning IVF we would have researched having meds shipped in from overseas where they cost a lot less but since I didn't want to wait until after the holidays to begin I researched local pharmacies trying to find the lowest prices. I checked out Costco, Freedom, CVS, Walgreens, towndrugstore.com and MDR pharmacies. Even though towndrugstore.com had better prices on some items I did not go through them because of how long their shipping was going to take. When all was said and done I went with MDR.

Follistim AQ - 600iu injection - quantity 3 - $1,370.94
Menopur - 75iu injection - quantity 10 - $759.80
Ganirelix - 250mcg injection - quantity 4 - $331.72
Vivelle 'dot' - 0.1mg patch - quantity 4 boxes - $46.97
Estradiol - 2mg tab - quantity 60 - $34.79
Endometrin - 100mg tab - quantity 36 - $165.84
Progestrone - 200mg lozenge - quantity 60 - $179.40
Leuprolide - 4mg injection - quantity 2 - $89.73
Codeine - 30mg tab - quantity 10 - $9.73
Doxycycline - 100mg capsule - quantity 2 - $4.47
Reclipsen (birth control) - 1 month supply - $15.09

The above would have cost even more if I had not asked my nurse at the clinic if they had any patients who donated their leftovers to the clinic because I got lucky! I was given 600iu of Follistim, a box of Endometrin, and 1 injection of Ganirelix which helped to cut down my costs by about $500!

This was just the beginning I had to order additional supplies of the Vivelle, Estradiol, Endometrin and Progestrone as I had a positive result from my IVF. These drugs were all taken until the end of my 1st trimester since I was not released to an OB until I was 10 weeks along I paid the prices above over and over again for the refills. Once you are released to an OB some will agree you should stay on the drugs above and they will then be covered by insurance. If your OB doesn't think they are necessary you will continue to pay out of pocket for them.

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