June 17, 2013

Exercise while Pregnant!

I am bringing this up because I have gotten some odd-ball looks, strange comments and people expressing concern. So let me start by saying exercise during pregnancy is a good thing! Also, I am quite aware of my limitations and would never do an exercise I was not comfortable doing.

Advantages of exercise while pregnant - Exercising regularly while pregnant can help decrease some discomforts experienced while pregnant such as backaches and fatigue. According to WebMD there is evidence that engaging in physical activity may prevent gestational diabetes. It certainly relieves stress and can build stamina needed during labor.

Be cautious in the types of exercise your choose. Walking and swimming are always great exercises but additionally you can modify many other options even including lifting weights! There are of course certain types of exercise that should be avoided: contact sports, downhill skiing, gymnastics, horseback riding, running (if you weren't a runner before), snowboarding, scuba diving, surfing, water-skiing, and tennis (moderate paced game is ok, but be careful because your center of gravity has shifted and you may have trouble keeping your balance with the sudden starts and stops).

The American Congress of Obstetricians and Gynecologists recommends getting at least 30 minutes of moderate exercise most days of the week. Stop exercising immediately and seek medical help if you start bleeding, have shortness of breath, dizziness, fainting, chest pain, muscle weakness, decreased fetal movement, calf pain or swelling (indicators of blood clots), or symptoms of preterm labor.

There are certain conditions that may cause exercise to not be advisable during pregnancy such as: asthma, heart disease, diabetes, low lying placenta, threatened or recurrent miscarriage, history of early labor, previous premature births, bleeding or spotting and a weak cervix.

The biggest thing is to listen to your body. If an exercise doesn't feel right, stop. If you aren't comfortable doing a certain type of exercise, don't do it. If you find yourself with any of the above symptoms while exercising, stop. It is key to know your limitations and pay attention to the cues your body is giving you.

Obviously you should talk to your doctor before starting any type of exercise and  FOLLOW YOUR DOCTORS ADVICE regarding any physical activity! And always make sure you are hydrating yourself!

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